Category Archives: Goods & Services

Company Profile: EatStreet

EatStreet is a free, online food ordering service that provides customers with a variety of local options, according to its CEO, Matt Howard.  He and two other University of Wisconsin graduates founded…

Company Profile: Madison Green Box

When you move to a new home, what do you do with the cardboard boxes when you’re done? Michael Bleker and Lori Carlson saw a need to limit the waste…

FEED’s Groundbreaking a ‘Step Closer’ to Goal

With summer approaching and the Farmers’ Market in mind, the development of a community project that supports locally produced food seems downright tasty. Food Enterprise and Economic Development (FEED) Kitchens broke…

B-cycle Kickoff Features Mayor, Trek President

Madison Mayor Paul Soglin and Trek Bicycle President John Burke will help Madison B-cycle open the third season of its bike sharing program at a kickoff event at 4 p.m….

Portable Scores Launches Kickstarter Campaign

Bob Baddeley got the idea of creating Portable Scores in 2006, and after seven years of hard work, the company is today launching a Kickstarter campaign for its DigiTally. Designed…

Company Profile: Portable Scores

Bob Baddeley is a believer that any game can be “official.” All you need is a light and an easy-to-transport scoreboard, and that is where he believes his DigiTally comes in. The…

Madison B-cycle Quadruples Membership

In its second year of operation, Madison B-cycle saw its annual membership increase from 471 to 2,150 and trips increase by nearly three-fold, making it the fastest-growing B-cycle system in the…

Company Profile: Bergamot Massage

Deanna Wise has taken her fair share of chances in her professional life. From upholstering furniture, a one-year stint with AmeriCorps, processing loans and teaching English in Istanbul, the common…

Soto Honored by Latino Chamber

Honored for her work and new business, Erika Soto was recently named Latino Entrepreneur of the Year by the Latino Chamber of Commerce of Dane County. Soto runs Pequenos Traviesos…

Recent Store Openings, Nov. 16, 2012

Following are some recent and upcoming grand openings, as indicated by the Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce. Catholic Charities Adult Day Care Catholic Charities recently opened its Adult Day Care…