1 Million Cups: Weekly Meeting
Welcome to StartingBlock, Madison's startup hub. StartingBlock welcomes passionate entrepreneurs to present their new business at 1 Million Cups every Wednesday morning! Coffee pours at 8:45am, Program starts at 9am
Madison SCORE: Business Plans 101
A business plan is a roadmap for your business. In this workshop, we'll cover the essential elements of business plan development, including setting goals & objectives, preparing marketing & financial plans, and defining steps to attain proper goals.
Madison SCORE: Pricing For Enhanced Profits: Learning The Art And Science Of Pricing
Some of the areas discussed during this workshop are: Learning the art and science of pricing.
Learning the key components of a pricing strategy
Learning how to price your product or service to generate revenue and maximize profits.
StartingBlock: Lunch & Learn: Tactical Skills Series
Featuring Nikki Brown, Zapier
StartingBlock: HER Network
StartingBlock features a monthly event series focused on building courageous connections among Madison Women in Business. Facilitated by Mel Butcher, HER Network is a beloved meeting space for inspirational stories, transparent idea-sharing, and empowering collaboration.