Tag Archives: 1 Million Cups

The Week Ahead

The Week Ahead June 18, 2018

For the week of June 18, here’s what’s happening in Madison’s startup scene: Pitches, Presentations 8-9 a.m. Wednesday, June 20 at Old National Bank: 1 Million Cups – Walkner Condon Financial…

The Week Ahead

The Week Ahead June 11, 2018

For the week of June 11, here’s what’s happening in Madison’s startup scene: Pitches, Presentations 8-9 a.m. Wednesday, June 13 at Old National Bank: 1 Million Cups – FindYours Professional…

The Week Ahead

The Week Ahead May 28, 2018

For the week of May 28, here’s what’s happening in Madison’s startup scene: Pitches, Presentations 8-9 a.m. Wednesday, May 30 at Old National Bank: 1 Million Cups – Healthy and Hygge Professional…

The Week Ahead

The Week Ahead May 21, 2018

For the week of May 21, here’s what’s happening in Madison’s startup scene: Pitches, Presentations 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 22 at Sheraton Hotel: WIN – Are You…

The Week Ahead

The Week Ahead May 14, 2018

For the week of May 14, here’s what’s happening in Madison’s startup scene: Pitches, Presentations 8-9 a.m. Wednesday, May 16 at Old National Bank: 1 Million Cups – FindYours Professional Development,…

The Week Ahead

The Week Ahead May 7, 2018

For the week of May 7, here’s what’s happening in Madison’s startup scene: Pitches, Presentations 8-9 a.m. Wednesday, May 9 at Old National Bank: 1 Million Cups – Industrious 4-6 p.m. Wednesday, May…

The Week Ahead

The Week Ahead April 30, 2018

For the week of April 30, here’s what’s happening in Madison’s startup scene: Pitches, Presentations 8-9 a.m. Wednesday, May 2 at Old National Bank: 1 Million Cups – Nized Professional…

The Week Ahead

The Week Ahead April 23, 2018

For the week of April 23, here’s what’s happening in Madison’s startup scene: Pitches, Presentations 8-9 a.m. Wednesday, April 25 at Old National Bank: 1 Million Cups – Little Golden Shepherd  Professional Development,…

The Week Ahead

The Week Ahead April 16, 2018

For the week of April 16, here’s what’s happening in Madison’s startup scene: Pitches, Presentations 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 17 at Sheraton Hotel: WIN Luncheon – Electric…

The Week Ahead

The Week Ahead April 9, 2018

For the week of April 9, here’s what’s happening in Madison’s startup scene: Pitches, Presentations 4-5 p.m. Tuesday, April 10 at Discovery Building: WARF – Entrepreneurons: Navigating Conflicts of Interest…