Tag Archives: SpayVac


SpayVac Scales Up Production Capacity

SpayVac for Wildlife, Inc., in partnership with BioVaxys Technology Corp., has expanded production capacity at its Madison facility to support global demand for its fertility-control vaccines for animals, the company…


SpayVac Completes Production Facility

SpayVac for Wildlife, along with BioVaxys Technology Corp, has completed the setup of its new research and production facility to produce long-lasting, single-dose veterinary contraceptive vaccines, the company announced today….


SpayVac, BioVaxys to Partner with Elephant and Wildlife Clinic

SpayVac-for-Wildlife and BioVaxys jointly have partnered with the Elephant and Wildlife Clinic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Chiang Mai University in Thailand, to test SpayVac, a contraceptive vaccine, in captive…


SpayVac, BioVaxys to Partner

SpayVac is partnering with BioVaxys Technology Corp. to field test single-injection, long-lasting immuno-contraceptive vaccines in farmed rainbow trout, the organization announced today. “We’ve been focused on developing vaccines to help…


SpayVac Receives Investment from BrightStar

BrightStar Wisconsin Foundation announced recently that it has invested in SpayVac, an animal sterilization technology company. “Issues with feral animals have reached crisis level in parts of the world and…